Elevador de tesoura
Elevador hidráulico de tesoura
Elevador elétrico tipo tesoura
Elevador de tesoura para terrenos acidentados
Elevador de tesoura sobre esteiras
Elevador de lança articulada
Elevador de lança articulada elétrica
Elevador de lança articulada diesel
Elevador de lança telescópica
Elevador de lança telescópica diesel
Lar / Meios de comunicação
Hered, a member of IPAF since 2021
06. 01, 2021
Choosing the Right Scissor Lifts for Your Job
07. 11, 2022
Scissor lifts are material handling solutions designed for lifting loads in industrial environments. The lifts are available in a variety of configurations, both fixed and mobile, with fixed, adjustable, or rotating load platforms. The range of configurations gives scissor lifts a wide range of versatility.
What Type of Aerial Lift Is Right for the Job?
05. 14, 2021
Renting a boom or aerial lift equipment can make your job significantly easier. Whether you need an elevated work platform or the ability to reach a tall workspace, there’s an aerial lift that’s designed for the job. But getting the right aerial lift for your needs can be tricky.
Hered Product Delivery Ceremony at Fuyang Anhui
04. 20, 2021